

Promote nature journaling

Environmental education

Network for collaboration

Journaling resources – events, learning resources, classes, videos & webinars

Community noticeboard showcasing events across Australia

Quarterly newsletter

Biennial Conference

Note: All fees are in Australian dollars

Membership Cycle
Membership is based on the financial year, starting 1st July and ending 30th June

Discounts with affiliated organisations

An affiliate discount (10%) is available to current, fee-paying members of: Australian Citizen Science Association (ACSA);  Citizen Science Association (CSA);  Atlas of Living Australia; or  Australian Museum.

Inclusive membership for all

In accordance with ANJA values, the Committee would like to ensure membership is available to everyone. If you are unable to pay membership fees as a result of financial hardship or any other reason, please contact us.


Membership fees and donations to ANJA are non-refundable. 

ANJA is a volunteer-based association. Committee members provide their time for free and do not receive any financial remuneration.  Financial membership enables us to maintain a website and pay for registration and other unavoidable fees and expenses
